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Chiso, founded as a vestment store in 1555 in Kyoto, Japan, has been producing luxurious Yūzen kimonos thenceforth. Over the centuries, Chiso has cultivated in-depth knowledge and skills, producing a wide variety of dyed and woven textiles that reflect the beauty of each era. Artisans at Chiso are unceasingly enhancing the traditional techniques of kimono making, following the belief that "tradition is not to conform, but to build around." In the Meiji period (1868 – 1912), Chiso established a new era of Yūzen through various innovative experiments, including collaborations with renowned Japanese painters. These experiences have provided an utterly new perspective that has become the basis of their design approach and led to many successful collaborations since then. Chiso had received many awards at international expositions and became the Purveyor to the Royal Household.