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Clara Tosi Pamphili

  • Historian of Fashion and Costume
  • Ambassador for Rome, Italy
Clara Tosi Pamphili Ambassador for Rome, Italy

Sharing creative intelligence

Clara Tosi Pamphili is the creator and curator alongside Alessio de Navasques of A.I. artisanal intelligence event that takes place in the context of AltaRoma and in other national and international situations to promote “Made in Italy” in collaboration with museums, contemporary art galleries and institutional or non-conventional spaces. Clara is Vice President of PalaExpo and curator of the fashion section of Videocittà, a project by ANICA CINEMA. With extensive experience as an academic lecturer, Clara lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and at the Academy of Costume and Fashion, as well as at the Faculty of Architecture in Rome Ludovico Quaroni. She is the curator of the project ROMAISON, a consultant for Mondomostre and regularly writes for Artribune on fashion, costume and cinema.

What does craftsmanship signify for you?

It means the extraordinary work that combines necessity with creativity. A craftsman always creates something that is needed, otherwise he would be an artist, but he tries to create it with an aesthetic. To this practice is added its history and therefore the handmade product is unique and unrepeatable and, for me, in this sense of luxury.

How does it feature in your work and life?

As a subject of study, research, investigation. My degree in architecture with the major in History of Industrial Arts led me to this. My theories do not marry with the ostentatious celebration of manual work, I support the craftsman-scientist-artist. That of the Renaissance. The one who knows how to invent and reinvent. So I study and create verification opportunities on this.

Do you work with craftspeople and how?

I work with them by supporting them, promoting their work, trying to place them in situations which will spark concrete evolution. I put them in contact with the institutions but also with private individuals. I create exhibitions, cultural projects that ensure they gain visibility.

Do you have any stories about the artisans you have selected?

Each of them has an extraordinary story especially thanks to a unique creative DNA. I am very attached to the Roman artisans. Rome is a unique place for the story of craftsmanship, a city accustomed to producing for the Vatican, the Cinema, the aristocracy ... but also for its people.



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