Darren Appiagyei is a London-based woodturner with a passion for discovering and exploring new woods. Darren is particularly inspired by Ghanaian woodcarving, its rawness and its texture. His practice focuses on embracing the intrinsic beauty of the wood, be it a knot, crack, bark or grain. Darren is an alumnus of Camberwell College of Arts, London, and an awardee of the Cockpit Arts/Turners' Company Award (2017), by which he received a studio space where he is currently based. In 2019 Darren was selected for the Crafts Council Hothouse programme. Darren has been involved in a variety of group exhibitions, such as the New Ashgate Gallery Diaspora exhibition, Farnham (2019), the Cluster Crafts Fair, London (2019) and the Bevere Gallery 12th Annual Graduate Show, Worcester (2019).