Each handcrafted spinning top is a synthesis of aesthetic, function and execution. The shapes, colours and motifs are an interpretation of eastern architecture: the turquoise minaret and domes. To Sahand and Navid Gholipour, they are more than just spinning toys: they entertain young and old souls alike.
Detailed Features
● Type: Toys
● Dimensions: 27.5 H x 8.5 Ø cm; 32 H x 8.5 Ø cm; 25 H x 8.5 Ø cm; 28.5 H x 9.7 Ø cm; 32 H x 8.8 Ø cm
● Material: Wood, paint, ink, lacquer
● Date: 2022
Japan Noboru Fujinuma, from The Ateliers of Wonders series Rinko Kawauchi, Noboru Fujinuma Bamboo craftworker
Lampshade of the Floor Lamp V Cirvinea Przemek Krawczyński Lamp maker
South Africa Zulu Cone Baskets Ilala Weavers for Art of Connection Basket weaving
Italy Eden Gianluca Pacchioni Metal sculptor