Daniele Nencioni has been a woodcarver since he was 14 years old. He first learned as an apprentice in a workshop in Florence, where his father accompanied him, understanding that the young man was much more drawn to the manual world than to study. Over the years, Daniele has become a master of woodcarving, creating reproductions of furnishing accessories, models of bronzes, and restoration work for antiques. He collaborates with architectural firms, international interior designers and renowned museums. Daniele's work takes him from restoring parts of famous buildings to creating bespoke pieces of furniture. He believes that behind a piece there must be an artisan who makes it and not a machine. A concept which in the creation of wooden furniture has been lost due to the fashion and demand for mass-produced pieces. Daniele believes that the touch of the human hand can never be truly rivalled.
MAM-Maestro d'Arte e MestiereSince the 1980s, Daniele Nencioni’s workshop has focused on the production and restoration of carved wood objects and furnishing accessories. The workshop focuses on four principal areas: reproduction of furniture, wood models for bronze moulds, and restoration as well as conservation of antiques. He gained international renown over the years and has collaborated on a number of projects with architects and interior designers, as well as museums and clients around the world. Such clients and collaborations include the Emir of Brunei, for whom he made richly carved beds, dressers and consoles, and the Romanov Royal Palace in Moscow, where he participated in supplying furniture for the reconstruction of the palace.