Growing up with a sculptor mother, Aline Houdé-Diebolt visited museums from a very early age, nurturing a passion for colours and materials. In 2013, after several years as an event and art manager, she felt the need to work with her hands and set up her own workshop. She started by drawing textile patterns, then transformed them into larger pieces, with paper becoming her favourite material. Aline’s work pushes the boundaries of what is possible with paper. Though paper work is a profession that has recently been added to the official list of crafts in France, there's still no school offering training, so “everything remains to be done to ensure that it continues and is passed down”.
TechniqueStoryAline Houdé-Diebolt works constantly to expand her skill set. She likes to learn new techniques in order to push the possibilities of her creations ever further. Lately, Aline has been training herself in paper marbling and has also been exploring paper-making techniques. However, what she enjoys most is to enrich the materials she uses through relatively simple processes like folding or cutting, which she pushes to an extreme.