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© Pavel Hübsch
© Bildschirmfoto
© Scholle-Deubzer
© Scholle-Deubzer

Rike Scholle

Rike Scholle Glassblower
German, English, Spanish
By appointment only
+49 9932402720
© Michal Poustka

The puzzle of glassmaking

  • • Rike creates large dynamic glass arrangements
  • • For her, good work should enchant the observer
  • • She feels glassmaking stimulates all the senses

Rike Scholle still remembers the moment her passion for glasswork was sparked. “It was in 1997 when visiting a Dale Chihuly exhibition at the Suntory Museum in Tokyo,” she says. References to the work of the famous American glass sculptor can still be detected in her work, however Rike has developed her very own unique expression. “I am constantly coming up with new shapes and trying to find new ways of incorporating them into my work,” she says. By assembling individual parts she creates a final object that is "like a 3D puzzle in my head”. However, it is not only the aesthetic quality that distinguishes her work but her ability to work at the furnace without support, so-called 'solo-blowing'.

Read the full interview


  • © Scholle-Deubzer
  • © Scholle-Deubzer
  • © Scholle-Deubzer
  • © Scholle-Deubzer
  • © Scholle-Deubzer
Photo: © Scholle-Deubzer

Each glass element composing this unique lamp was designed during a single heating. The molten glass rods were then cooled in the pipe and hand shaped by Rike to achieve this dynamic final object.

Diameter 55 cm

Photo: © Scholle-Deubzer

Dew was made from hand blown and sculpted crystal glass. Rike was inspired by the idea of an imaginary plant hidden deep in the lush jungle. The sculpture’s texture reflects the dew drops dripping from the surface of the plant.

Diameter 55 cm
Height 75 cm

Photo: © Scholle-Deubzer

Iceflower was made in collaboration with Eduard Deubzer and was inspired by ice crystals forming on the windowsill of the studio, covered by a thick layer of snow. Each element was individually mouth blown and shaped by Rike while Eduard polished the pieces for a brilliant finish.

Diameter 85 cm
Height 60 cm

Photo: © Scholle-Deubzer
The Life/Pink

This ceiling light was designed as a tribute to the driving forces of life and their endless shapes and possibilities. Featuring exquisite details, the object was created with gold ruby glass, which is the most luxurious type of glass colour. Its surfaces were then sandblasted and engraved with quotes in 24k gold.

Diameter 65 cm
Height 70 cm

Photo: © Scholle-Deubzer

This ceiling light was made in collaboration with Eduard Deubzer and was inspired by a comet on its fast and lonely journey through space. Due to its high velocity, sparkling ice-crystals have formed all over its body The piece was mouth blown, sculpted and polished in a unique way to achieve this effect.

Diameter 70 cm
Height 120 cm

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