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Didier Mutel

  • Intaglio engraver
  • Orchamps, France
  • Master Artisan
Didier Mutel Intaglio engraver
By appointment only
+33 684159018
© All rights reserved

A journey into a historic workshop

  • • Rodin, Manet and Munch used to frequent this print shop
  • • Didier first came to the workshop on a school work experience placement
  • • He won the Prix Liliane Bettencourt Prize pour l'intelligence de la main in 2016

Didier Mutel is an intaglio engraver who continues a rich tradition of engraving, passed down by the masters of his workshop to their pupils since 1793. Didier arrived at the Paris workshop in 1988, and officially took over its management in 2008, before relocating it to the Jura mountains several years later. His artists’ books and prints are characterised by a constant search for innovation based on traditional engraving techniques and intaglio printing. He feels passionately that his work should take people on a journey. “I hope you will be surprised, a little awestruck when looking at my work. Opening a book is like passing through the door of the workshop,” he says.

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Photo: © All rights reserved
The uncertainty that comes from dreams

This canvas-mounted etching started out as a self-portrait drawn while Didier was travelling around Canada in 1991. The plates were etched between 1995 and 1997 and given their current composition in 2018. The idea of time as a material inherent in creation is central to this work.

Width 1 m
Height 1 m

Photo: © All rights reserved
Atlas of the United States of Acid

This etching mounted on watercolour canvas represents a map of the United States that is at once fictitious and real. The map shows senators and representatives. Senators have been given the names of superheroes, such as Sarah Connor and Batman, while representatives have been given those of artists.

Length 350 cm
Width 230 cm

Photo: © All rights reserved
La Pierre de Rosette

This one-to-one scale etching of the Rosetta Stone was printed on Velin Arches paper. The upper half contains a list of artists’ names from the Renaissance to the present day, the middle part a list of their works and the bottom part a description of their works.

Height 120 cm
Width 90 cm

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