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Ferran Adrià

  • Chef
  • Ambassador for Barcelona, Spain
Ferran Adrià Ambassador for Barcelona, Spain
©Pepo Segura

Collaboration at the heart of craftsmanship

Thanks to his creative capacity and total commitment to avant-garde cuisine, Ferran Adrià was responsible for a paradigm change in cuisine worldwide. Presiding over the elBulli kitchen from 1984 to the restaurant’s closure in 2011, Ferran succeeded in inventing his own culinary language, forging new creative paths and influencing the next generation of chefs worldwide through his tireless exploration of the limits of the gastronomic experience within the fine-dining restaurant context. As a result of these achievements, elBulli can be considered a bona fide legend within the field of gastronomy. Since 2013, Ferran has led elBullifoundation, a private, family-run foundation that acts on his desire to share his learnings in the fields of knowledge, education, business and innovation. The project is focused on the language of gastronomy, but is intended to be equally applicable to other professional sectors, disciplines and fields.

What does craftsmanship signify for you?

For me, craftsmanship is the passion and love of a job well done, and it is something that is born within us. For elBullirestaurante this mindset was fundamental, as most of our suppliers were craftspeople, whether in edible products, tableware, cutlery or in other invaluable resources, and all played a role in offering a gastronomic experience of the highest possible order.

How does it feature in your work and life?

At elBullirestaurante we always welcomed the possibility of interdisciplinary relationships, especially ones with the world of design. Back in the 1990s, we started designing tableware solely to present the petit fours offered at the end of the meal, which we called "follies." From this point on, we have always looked out for new ways and relationships that would enable us to push our boundaries further.

Do you work with craftspeople and how?

Collaboration with craftspeople was always part of our creative process. The most important thing is that throughout its existence as a restaurant elBulli always worked in tandem with craftspeople, never just giving them orders. In this way, we achieved incredible things that opened up a new mentality in the way we worked together.

How would you define excellence?

Excellence is based on quality, good financial management and an innovative attitude.



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