A handmade rug woven on a polyester warp and based on jute fabric. The rug is made out of natural materials such as sisal and wood fibre, creating a warm and contemporary texture. The braided borders are an attractive mix of rustic and contemporary styles.

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Homo Faber

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Presented by logo Homo Faber by Michelangelo Foundation
© Naturtex

Pattern of Crafts

A handmade rug woven on a polyester warp and based on jute fabric. The rug is made out of natural materials such as sisal and wood fibre, creating a warm and contemporary texture. The braided borders are an attractive mix of rustic and contemporary styles.

Detailed FeaturesStory

Type: Rug
Dimensions: 182 H x 227 W cm
Material: Wood fibre, sisal, jute base
Date: 2021-11

Pattern of CraftsExhibition Exhibitor

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