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Tour a coral museum near Naples

  • with Enzo Liverino 1894
  • Torre del Greco, Italy
  • Guided tour
Tour a coral museum near Naples with Enzo Liverino 1894
© All rights reserved

Enter a coral treasure trove

30 mins Max 25 people6 euros per person

Let yourself be guided around a one-of-a-kind museum dedicated to the craft of coral. Initially shipped to Genoa, the coral around Torre del Greco was subsequently ordered by the Kingdom of Naples to be crafted by local workshops opened in 1808 on the Sovereign’s command. In 1894 Basilio Liverino launched his own workshop, and today it is his great-grandson Enzo who entertains visitors with the story of coral during this visit to the Coral Museum above the workshop. Over the centuries, coral has been used in decorative arts, furniture and jewellery, the delicacy of the material enhanced by its many shades of orange. This delightful small museum boasts over 500 incredible pieces, but Enzo will also tell you about some other treasures in the older parts of Naples, including the Capo di Monte church, home to a magnificent Caravaggio painting and four incredible coral artworks donated to the church by Enzo's family.

By appointment only
+39 0818811225

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