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Pottery course in central Sweden

  • with Stefan Andersson
  • Siljansnäs, Sweden
  • courses
Pottery course in central Sweden with Stefan Andersson
© All rights reserved

Learn the secrets of a Swedish potter

1-3 days Max 6 peopleFrom 7,000 SEK

Imagine yourself immersed in the woods in the scenic Dalecarlia region of Sweden, in the small village of Alvik, Leksand. This is where Stefan Andersson holds regular courses in his own studio, teaching many aspects of pottery, including kiln building, throwing and wood firing. Beginners and more advanced learners will have the opportunity to discover the many secrets of wood firing in the open-air kiln adjacent to the studio. “I enjoy teaching and am grateful for the opportunity,” Stefan says. “In teaching I can make great use of my own mistakes – as examples of what not to do!” Courses are intended for small groups and the price varies according to the length and content.

Swedish, English
By appointment only
+46 702741270

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