These small sculptures were inspired by studying glass casting under Fiaz Elson. They combine several glass techniques – pâte de verre, casting, painting, kiln forming – and mixed media. They embody Verity’s love of the macro natural world. She creates a magical realism which transports the viewer to another world by taking such care of the unique, unusual and delicate structures and details.
Detailed Features
● Type: Sculpture
● Dimensions: 12 H x15 W cm, 15 H x20 W cm
● Material: Kiln formed glass, found natural objects under glass domes
● Date: 2021
Japan Kunihiko Moriguchi, from The Ateliers of Wonders series Rinko Kawauchi, Kunihiko Moriguchi Kimono dyer
United States of America Madame Butterfly - Waiting Chair Robert Wilson Theater director
France Ocean Cigar Humidor Walter Bellini Cabinet maker
France Artisan at work: Moulding a Harlequin leather mask Claude Dessimond Mask maker