The Foglia family has been working with precious metals for three generations. Lorenzo himself started in 1985, but, as he likes to underline, “it would be more correct to say that I was born into the business, as is often the case in families of artists and artisans, where you breathe in the craft from a very early age.” He describes his training as ‘open’, meaning “I firmly believe that only through comparison and the mixing of cultures and energies can we achieve the tools to create works that have a relevance from an artistic and design point of view.” In 1999, he started his entrepreneurial journey with Foglia Argenteria, which in 2015 became Foglia Firenze 1935 in acknowledgement of the 80 years of silversmithing and goldsmithing heritage passed on by his grandfather first to his father and finally to Lorenzo.
MAM-Maestro d'Arte e MestiereFoglia Firenze 1935 was born from a desire to highlight the cultural association of jewellery with art. As well as employing many traditional techniques associated with goldsmith and silversmith work to create unique jewellery, Lorenzo Foglia also uses contemporary methods such as 3D modelling. Lorenzo learnt gold chiselling techniques from a very young age, which are now foundational elements of his creations. Continual experimentation, as well as experience gained through restoration projects and a firm theoretical grounding, are all key to the production of truly avant-garde jewellery. He considers that a chiseller must have a sum of skills ranging from drawing and planning to sculpture, as well as a profound historical and philosophical knowledge of the arts from ancient to contemporary creations.