Composed of hundreds of porcelain shards, the sculpture was created to resemble organic forms reflecting the unique floral landscapes of Hawaii and the Maldives. Each shard is created from strips or slabs of raw porcelain that are rolled, cut and then affixed to a base. The resulting work appears soft and playful from afar yet ominously spiky up close – resembling something between blooming flora, undulating sea anemones or something entirely abstract.
Detailed Features
● Type: Sculpture
● Dimensions: 28 L x 20 W x 20 H cm
● Material: Porcelain
● Date: 2020
Switzerland Artisan at work: Skateboard making Laurent Golay Boardmaker
Germany Lightscape Collection Ruth Gurvich, Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg Porcelain crafting
France Bonsaï Roviera Pierre Salagnac Bronzesmith
Komao Hayashi, from The Ateliers of Wonders series Rinko Kawauchi, Komao Hayashi Doll maker