âteaux region." />
Caroline Peltier is a ceramicist who imagines and designs porcelain tableware and decorative pieces for private individuals and professionals. Her porcelain creations are characterised by the absence of colour in favour of highlighting the translucent whiteness of her chosen material. Caroline has a Bachelor’s degree in Plastic Arts, and an interest in learning the ceramics trade led her to a four-year apprenticeship in pottery. At the end of the apprenticeship, in 2007, Caroline was awarded the gold medal in the prestigious competition, Un des Meilleurs Apprentis de France. Caroline established Kaolin’e in 2009, and creates her porcelain pieces from a workshop located in a small village in the centre of France, right in the heart of the Loire châteaux region.
StoryKaolin’e takes its name from kaolin, an essential ingredient in making porcelain. In a world where colour is omnipresent, Caroline chooses the whiteness, smoothness and purity of porcelain. The shapes of her creations come alive with decoration in relief, which enables the translucent nature of the porcelain to be appreciated when it is illuminated.