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©Nikola Logosova
©Nikola Logosova
©Nikola Logosova
©Nikola Logosova
©Nikola Logosova

Nikola Logosová

  • Illustrator
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Rising Star
Nikola Logosová Illustrator
Czech, English
By appointment only
+420 777994114
©Nikola Logosova

A complex world captured on paper

  • • Nikola is an award-winning illustrator based in Prague
  • • She applies her art to different fields of work
  • • She also masters lithography, linocut, silkscreen printing and intaglio

The works of Nikola Logosová are evidence of thorough observation. She speaks in concrete visual language, with tangible motifs – regardless of whether the subject matter is factual or fictional. It is as though she wants to make sure that everyone can enter the world of her drawings. Nikola has a wide creative range: as an illustrator, she works on books and magazines; as a graphic designer, she creates visual identities for podcasts and events; and as an artist, she makes her own installations and exhibitions. "I enjoy the diversity of projects and people I get to work with. Thanks to that, I keep evolving, always adopting a new approach or finding new techniques," she says. Her book 'I, Man' was selected for the White Ravens award (2022) as one of the 200 best books in the world.

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  • ©filip sach
  • ©najbrt
  • ©filip sach
  • ©najbrt
  • ©najbrt
Photo: ©filip sach
Malí fotografové (Little Photographers)

This hand-illustrated book gives children the practical and historical basics of analogue photography. The book is made as a hardcover with a cloth spine. Its dominant colour is black combined with partly glossy varnish on the illustrations.

Photo: ©najbrt
Nad večerní černí

This hand-illustrated concertina book by Michal Štěpánek teaches children that there is no reason to be afraid of the dark. The full-page illustrations are done in black and white with a layer of luminescent colour. Thanks to that, it glows in the dark.

Photo: ©filip sach
Malí fotografové (Little Photographers)

This hand-illustrated book gives children the practical and historical basics of analogue photography. The book is made with a hardcover and cloth spine. Its dominant colour is black combined with partly glossy varnish on the illustrations.

Photo: ©najbrt
Pozor Doktor !

This richly illustrated encyclopaedia of various medical fields describes historical and contemporary approaches to treatment methods. The illustrations are offset-printed in 11 spot colours, and every chapter is done in one dominant colour tone. The title translates as Beware the Doc! and the original is written by Petr Svobodný and Robin Král.

Photo: ©najbrt
Svět je Kulatý

This is the first Czech edition of the children's book The World Is Round written by Gertrude Stein. The full-page illustrations are predominantly pink, green, blue and yellow, while Pantone Reflex Blue replaced black during the printing process. That creates its unique tonality.

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