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© Damiano Andreotti
© M. Polisena
© M. Polisena
© M. Polisena

Alessandro Ciffo

Alessandro Ciffo Silicone sculptor
By appointment only
+39 3495377137
© Damiano Andreotti

A 21st century craft

  • • Alessandro creates spectacular sculptures in silicone
  • • He manipulates matter and transforms it
  • • He is inspired by the prejudices to be overcome

The objects produced by Alessandro Ciffo represent the perfect synthesis between the extreme contemporaneity of silicone and the primitive gestures of the hands, resulting in objects that are always unique. "The first silicone jar I made was very primitive, but I didn't care at all, it was a feat of my own making," Alessandro explains. The technical characteristics of silicone enable him to obtain original aesthetic and functional results that are unalterable over time, resistant to temperatures, chemical agents but above all to fashion. His discovery of silicone was quite accidental, but he was immediately fascinated by its potential. In fact, he is persuaded that the 21st century will be the century of silicone as the 20th was for plastic. “I chose silicone as a medium to express myself,” he explains, “and I have never abandoned it. When I started, it was a semi-unknown material in the arts, there were neither teachers nor schools, so I had to invent everything, from the way to colour it to the techniques and tools”.

Read the full interview


  • © Emilio Tremolada
  • © Damiano Andreotti
  • © Damiano Andreotti
  • © Damiano Andreotti
  • © Damiano Andreotti
Photo: © Emilio Tremolada

The armchairs of the Iperbolica Collection go beyond ordinary perceptions and current opinions of form. They are excessive, extravagant, dilated: in short, hyperbolic.These armchairs are not merely comfortable seats with backrests and arms, but also an attempt to seek a precise identity within a dialectic relationship between material and form, image and object, function and decoration.

Length 121.6 cm
Width 104.4
Height 880

Photo: © Damiano Andreotti
Jolly Glass

Sculptural vase in silicone, achieved by taking advantage of the adhesive nature and viscous consistency of the material.

Height 36 cm
Diameter 20

Photo: © Damiano Andreotti
Murano 5.0 Tulip

This multicolour sculptural vase was created with a multilayered silicone casting technique.

Height 35 cm
Diameter 28

Photo: © Damiano Andreotti
Murano 5.0 Cristal

The Murano 5.0 crystal vase in silicone was sculpted with a multilayered casting technique. 

Diameter 45

Photo: © Damiano Andreotti
Murano 5.0 Cristal Ball

This silicone pink vase was obtained with a multilayered casting technique.

Diameter 28

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