After your studies, what came next?
I started to make my own pieces in my father’s workshop, so it was easier for me because I already had a workshop available. I also began to work for some companies creating things like lighting sculptures, 3D visualisations or glass installations, but as a freelancer.
What was the first glass object you made?
It was a cut glass object with a very pink colour. We sent it to Toronto for an exhibition and it stayed there because they bought it, so I no longer have it. It was great and maybe this is why I continued to make glass objects.
Tomas Princ © Zuzana Kubelkova
What inspires your work?
My inspiration comes from materials. I try to find different materials and then transform them in order for me to use them in another way. This is my first inspiration, and then there’s nature and other things such as architecture in the city.
What do you love most about your craft?
I really like it when I open the kiln and see what’s in there! With fibreglass I cannot imagine how it will work in the kiln. Normally I plan how the pieces will look, but they can turn out differently. I love this moment because when I see the object sometimes I have to think again and totally change it.