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Corinna Coutouzi

  • Metalworker
  • Athens, Greece
  • Master Artisan
Corinna Coutouzi Metalworker
Greek, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
By appointment only
+30 6972275823
© All rights reserved

Dancing with metal

  • • Dance was Corinna's first passion
  • • As a result she likes to incorporate movement in her metalwork
  • • She makes mobiles, 3D pieces, moving installations, jewellery and more

After being asked to make jewellery for Franco Zeffirelli’s film Jesus of Nazareth and the unexpected success of her first exhibition, Corinna Coutouzi knew metalwork was the career path she had to follow. From the beginning she has been inspired by ancient Greek art, since “the quest for beauty seems to be inherent to our culture.” Parallel to studying the history of art, Corinna took her first jewellery courses with professor Max Nixon at the University of Oregon. “Detecting my growing devotion to the field, he let me come to the studio at all hours. His working method suited me, for we could ask his help for anything we needed rather than following a predetermined teaching schedule. I have applied this learning principle ever since in my practice.”

Read the full interview


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Triangular Spiral

This standing mobile was created by Corinna as a site specific commission for the Benaki museum collection. It was inspired and created in response to a headdress pin called Tremola from the Ionian Islands, which shakes at the smallest movement of the wearer. Intentionally frail, the piece was hammered from a single continuous strip of bronze wire. Corinna made it stand on its triangular ‘footing’ to juxtapose the fixed base with the triangular displaced spiral bouncing above it.

Height 50 cm
Length 30 cm
Width 28 cm

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Pentagonal Spiral

This hanging mobile is made up of pentagonal spirals bent into shape and hammered in order to keep them horizontal and level, while the overhang has been hammered to allow a bouncing movement. Corinna likes using perennial shapes in slight variations to demonstrate the different ways forged metal can behave according to the angle at which it has been hammered.

Height 45 cm
Length 60 cm
Width 35 cm

Photo: © All rights reserved
Top Heavy Oval Spirals

This hanging mobile was shaped by hammering thick bronze wire in order for it to have a tense bounce. Two almond shaped spirals are ‘programmed’ to move in different ways and in different directions: one obliquely and the other from side to side, vertical to horizontal.

Height 80 cm
Length 80 cm
Width 20 cm

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Bracelet Balance

When not worn, this shaking, triangular bracelet can be displayed, rather than being put away in a box or drawer. The idea was to create an altered form that plays with equilibrium and scale. Both sides of the scale, the bracelet itself as well as its counterweight and the iron support, reflect the theme of the Tremola headdress through their potential bounce. Corinna chose the scale as a symbol for measuring value. The bracelet now becomes part of a sculptural entity.

Height 22 cm
Length 60 cm
Width 20 cm

Photo: © All rights reserved
Interior Tremor

This hanging sculpture echoes the sensation given by the Tremola headdress, the starting point for every piece in this series. When Corinna made them, she was feeling especially worried and apprehensive about many negative things happening globally. Therefore, the Tremola headdress (tremo in Greek means to shake) spoke to her. She conveys the sensation of fear which had overtaken her through an approximation of a globe, formed by tiers of three thin hammered wires in a parallel zig-zag, suspended in the air, shaking, exposed, helpless…

Diameter 40 cm

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