The sculpture of the back of a male black priest is handmade from a fine woollen fabric. The piece has several pleats starting at the end of the torso and an overlength of fabric on both sides. Horizontal steel wires of different lengths are attached slightly above the waist. The sculpture is finished with a spear attached to the dress pointing upwards.
Detailed Features
● Type: Sculpture
● Material: Woollen fabric, steel wire
● Date: 2017
Finland Final Boss Juho Könkkölä Origamist
United States of America Madame Butterfly - Waiting Chair Robert Wilson Theater director
Master at work: Sculping a bust in clay Andrian Melka Stone sculptor
Japan Kunihiko Moriguchi, from The Ateliers of Wonders series Rinko Kawauchi, Kunihiko Moriguchi Kimono dyer