Square Drop run by Agnieszka Śniadewicz-Świca is based in the picturesque town of Milanówek, close to Warsaw. Its history dates back to 1974 when Agnieszka’s father, Robert Śniadewicz opened his first studio. As a woodcarver and engraver, his work focused on the conservation of antique furniture. Later on, together with his wife Grażyna, the studio broadened its activity to include an Art Conservation Workshop and the Art Gallery Ars Longa. A few years ago, Agnieszka brought together her parents heritage and her own work under the name Square Drop.
To this day they work with antiquarians and private clients from all over the world, maintaining the highest standards of craftsmanship. Alongside a team of craftspeople with over 20 years of experience, Agnieszka created an artistic carpentry workshop. Apart from conservation work, the studio also collaborates with Polish designers on their original collections. Currently Agnieszka is working on the first original Square Drop collection named Oddity. The project, created in collaboration with local artisans, aims to combine fine artistry with a surprising new view of contemporary design.