How would you describe what you do?
I describe my work as artistic research. Environments relating to anthropology, ethnology, sociology, and botany interest me in particular. My work Tulipmania, for example, compares the woven DAX curve in March 2020 with the veins of tulips.
Do you master special techniques?
For some time now, I've been translating the sky into fabric. In addition to looking like the blue sky, the woven fabric should also change colour with exposure to UV light. I first warped my light blue wool yarn on a chain and bleached it. When dried in open air under UV light, the colours change again.
©Louisa Boeszoermeny
Why does underwear feature in your work?
In my childhood, instead of a grocery store, I ran a stall selling underwear. Growing up, I did research on the transformation of sheer tights into woven pieces. The tights were pre-consumer and post-consumer waste; once they are broken they are a serious problem for the environment.
What is an unforgettable experience in your career?
After my degree at the HAW in Hamburg, I was worried about not having my own loom. I had my eye on a loom that cost 7500 euros. In my final semester of my bachelor's degree, I was invited to the award ceremony for the Bavarian State Prize for young talents and won 7500 euros.