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© Grzegorz Stadnik
© Shangyu Celadon Ceramic Art Center
© Olga Grabiwoda
© Shangyu Celadon Ceramic Art Center
© Shangyu Celadon Ceramic Art Center

Monika Patuszynska

Monika Patuszynska Ceramicist
Polish, English
By appointment only
+48 602739549
© Grzegorz Stadnik

An inquistive approach

  • • Monika is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics
  • • She is inspired by her global travels and residencies
  • • Casting is her primary technique

Monika Patuszyńska was introduced to ceramics in the early 90s during a one-year course for artisans in Denmark: “I always warn people who want to work with ceramics to think it over. It is a trap that once you fall into; it's very difficult to get out. I haven't got out of it since,” she says. What distinguishes Monika’s making process is her approach to the material. A traditional technique of casting (often used in industrial production) became a way for endless expression. “I assumed that plaster and porcelain are not smooth. They were made smooth by man to create the impression that he had subordinated all elements to himself. So I started looking for the nature of the materials, showing casting marks and splitting the plaster to reveal its internal structure,” she explains of her creative process.

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  • © Monika Patuszynska
  • © Monika Patuszynska
  • © Monika Patuszynska
  • © Monika Patuszynska
  • © Monika Patuszynska
Photo: © Monika Patuszynska
TransForms Plus/ Debris series

With this sculptural porcelain vessel produced from fragments of recuperated platers moulds, Monika explores the colour pink. Today a commonly identified with innocence and silliness, Monika started using pink during an art residency in Spain. Here pink represented the colour of graffiti and signs on the doors of bankrupt shops.

Length 44 cm

Photo: © Monika Patuszynska
TransForms Plus

These sculptural parian ware vessels, part of Monika’s Bastards Series, are made borrowing features from traditional techniques and designs. These are hybrids, cross-breeds of unwanted or outdated styles and forms, produced from fragments of plaster moulds which have been modified and joined to form completely new species.

Height 33 cm

Photo: © Monika Patuszynska
TransForms Plus

A pair of porcelain vases with yellow and white slip decoration. The vases are cast from various fragments of plaster moulds which have been modified and joined to form a completely new mould. It deprives them of their previous character and creates a sculpture with different layers of sharp geometric shapes. Monika started using this bold yellow colour and realised that the combination was obvious and historically justified.

Length 50 cm

Photo: © Monika Patuszynska
Genealogy Series 2

Some time ago, Monika found out that her fifth and fourth great grandfathers had been highly recognised plasterers who had moved from Germany to Warsaw. The Genealogy Series of porcelain and parian ware sculptural vessels is about mixing and combining different cultural and aesthetic DNAs. It is also meant to be a dialogue with Monika’s ancestors.

Height 15 cm
Height 35 cm

Photo: © Monika Patuszynska
Genealogy series/ Triangulation

This series, formed in recuperated plaster moulds, explores the notions of combining similar and dissimilar forms. By adjusting and mismatching forms and materials Monika explores the challenges of finding balance. This adds to her technique of recuperating old plaster moulds and joining them to create a completely new form from moulds thought to no longer have purpose.

Height 35 cm
Height 40 cm

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