Did you learn from a master?
One day, I was surprised by my father telling me that he would teach me how to craft masks. He worked as a civil servant so I had no idea that he had these skills. He taught me the dexterity he had with his hands, geometry and to understand the volume of wood.
What do people not know about you?
I achieved my biggest dream, creating Aula Creativa Artesanal, a craft school, through which I help to promote the development and the cultural identity of my people. At the María Auxiliadora public school in Galapa, students gain technical knowledge through the craft training.
©Artesanías de Colombia
Could your craft be considered in danger?
I have supported a reforestation project in the region, as the red Ceiba tree, whose wood is used to make the traditional masks, is endangered.
When did you open your own workshop?
In 1989. I was inspired by a dance called The Miura little bull from Galapa municipality, and also, I lived on my father’s farm, where I had close contact with cattle. This is why I decided to call my workshop Artesanías Toro Miura.