Solángel Briñez and Ulises Quintero, wife and husband, work together weaving palma real, a craft they have inherited from Doña Aurora Flórez, Ulises' mother. Solángel remembers that very early on in their relationship, she saw Ulises weaving with great ease, and asked him to teach her. From his and her mother-in-law’s hands, she learned the secrets of the craft, the dyeing of palm fibre, and the more than 27 types of weaving that are practised in these lands.
Doña Aurora taught Solángel and Ulises a specific palm dyeing technique, which was a starting point for them to then try a variety of pigments. Their products today have a high quality colour. Solángel’s curiosity and sense of initiative led her to create Asopalguamo, an association made up of more than 25 families, most of them led by mothers who are at the head of households.