What does jewellery mean to you?
It is an instrument for visual communication and emotional education, but also a tool for observation or analysis, and for establishing social relationships. Contemporary jewellery is conceptual since behind each piece is a story inspired by a feeling, a meaning or an emotion; it is art applied in jewellery.
What do you love about your craft?
I can express myself through jewellery, conveying my inner energy and feelings, the joy of creation. Contemporary jewellery is the choice of someone who knows how to appreciate aesthetics, concepts and originality, in addition to the value of the material and the execution of the work.
© Adina Tocmelea
When is a piece of jewellery well made?
Technically speaking, 'well made' refers to a clean, clear and precise execution, without any hidden or remedied mistakes, nor imperfections accepted because this is 'what the artist wanted'. A well made piece of jewellery is error-free, no matter what angle you look at it from.
Can you share a memorable moment in your career?
I will always remember the colour of incandescent platinum; that white light with a hint of blue of unimaginable intensity gave me the feeling of primordial light, of making the world. I like to know as much as possible about metals, fire, chemical reactions and the way they all relate to each other.