Housed in the renowned Castle of Ioannina, the Silversmithing Museum will carry you back in time. Established by the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation in 2016, the museum recounts the art of the silversmith, rooted for centuries in the Epirus region. Located in the western bastion of the north-eastern acropolis, the museum allows visitors to discover how local craftspeople developed the finest techniques, passing them on through generations. The age-old methods of forging, smelting, the filigree, the niello, and embossing are brought to light.
The permanent exhibition showcases the technology of silversmithing from the Post-Byzantine era onwards. The collection of finely crafted objects, including ornate jewellery, weapons, silverware, bears witness to the cultural heritage of the region. Through various interactive presentation tools, the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation aims to creatively guide the visitor through a revival of the old craft.