CRAFTkontor is a shop that sells unique pieces and small collections, mainly from German studios and workshops. It is also a gallery that exhibits artists and designers from Germany and Europe in themed or individual exhibitions. CRAFTkontor was founded in 2008 by the art historian Annegret Portsteffen. A new exhibition is presented at least four times a year at CRAFTkontor. Usually, a variety of trades are curated together around a central theme. During the selection process, Ms. Portsteffen places great emphasis on timelessness and quality. For her, the sensuality of materials, their function, their uniqueness and their flawless execution are essential. Among those in the portfolio are Friedemann Bühler, Elke Sada, Karin Bablok, Konrad Koppold, Sonngard Marcks, Cornelius Reer, Ulrike Bühler, Birgit Borstelmann, Martin Mindermann, Hilde Janich and many others.