This egg-shaped sculpture is formed of 48 semicircular vertical cardboard modules, and covered irregularly with a number of flowers, made from thin coated paper that has been crushed and ironed before processing. The egg, commonly perceived as a universal symbol of life and resurrection, stands metaphorically for a personal and universal rebirth after a period of struggle. The flowers echo the hidden symbols and meanings of historical flower still lifes in Dutch painting.
Detailed Features
● Type: Sculpture
● Dimensions: 50 H x 50 Ø cm
● Material: Paper, cardboard, glue
● Date: 2022
United Kingdom Banksia Vessel Darren Appiagyei Woodturner
Japan Jun Isezaki, from The Ateliers of Wonders series Rinko Kawauchi, Jun Isezaki Ceramicist
Japan Yukie Osumi, from The Ateliers of Wonders series Rinko Kawauchi, Yukie Osumi Metalworker
Denmark Heiko Zebra Bronze bench Alexandre Aréthuse Furniture maker