What was the first work you made?
I finished my first official work in 2000, a stained glass window for an office building in Brussels. To be honest, it took until 2014 before I made a stained glass window that I was fully satisfied with – concerning the design, that is.
What is a memorable moment in your professional life?
It was very interesting to lead a social-artistic project with people from a disadvantaged background or with a disability. For a whole year, I helped them to be creative, and they all went home afterwards with a stained glass window.
©Luc Daelemans
What is less known about your work?
Contrary to what some people think, I do not spend all my days practising stained glass. I also have to devote time to find clients, projects, and publicity. It takes a lot of effort to do what you are passionate about and also pay the bills.
What is your advice to an aspiring stained glass maker?
I have an 18 year old son who is starting his own art education and I advise him to be patient, take his time to explore his craft, but also to immediately look for the right people to learn the right techniques.