How would you define your work?
People often look for perfection. Instead I concentrate on the human being, his needs and relationships. Work is not only sustenance, but it is, for humanity, a manifestation and trace of our relationship with the universe.
How is wood important for you?
It is a basic raw material, that is, it tells a story. It is at the root of our existence – just think of what a tree is. Wood has accompanied Man since the dawn of time and holds the memory of this relationship.
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What do you try to communicate with your furniture?
Through our pieces we try to create furniture that honours the vital relationships of people's lives. In our opinion, an object must have the ability to reawaken our affections, reactivate the perception of our bond with others and with creation.
When is a piece well made, for you?
It goes beyond the actual construction of a piece. It's more about this concept of 'finding myself', which I offer through my work. It is not enough that the project is photogenic or solid. A successful piece focuses on the human being and his needs.