Located in the historic centre of Turin, Bottega Fagnola is a traditional craft shop, where centuries-old knowledge has been exchanged and handed down from generation to generation. The original workshop was founded in 1955. Luciano Fagnola started working there in the 1970s, having been trained by master bookbinders at the Scuole Salesiane of Castelnuovo Don Bosco and perfected his skills in artistic bookbinding at the Centro del Bel Libro in Ascona, Switzerland. He took over the business in 2002, and together with his daughter Paola he guides a dedicated team of skilled craftspeople specialised in the different fields bookbinding and conservation.
They specialise in all the techniques of artisanal bookbinding and maintain this a mark of fine craftsmanship. The approach to the restoration of books and paper is also very practical, the result of both Luciano's researches and constant updating and experience. He is passionate about his chosen craft as it allows him to see a book come to life in his own hands, starting from the loose sheets of paper up to the finished product. A legacy he wishes to carry forward.