Made from hand shaped feather like pieces of porcelain, each individual and unique piece is hand sewn onto tulle to create a wreath like form. To Jennifer the shape is suggestive of feelings of fragility and loss.
Diameter 21 cm
Jennifer Hickey always wanted to make things with her hands. Brought up in a family fascinated by fashion, she went to art college in her native Dublin with a view to exploring textiles. But during the course she was introduced to ceramics and simply “fell for it”. She particularly loved the ethereal properties of porcelain, and has used it ever since. Jennifer now makes sculptures inspired by the detail inherent in the natural world around her. Each takes months to make, being comprised of hundreds or thousands of individual elements, sewn together with translucent thread, a process that takes delicacy, discipline and endless patience.
Read the full interviewPhoto: © Roy Moore
Made from hand shaped feather like pieces of porcelain, each individual and unique piece is hand sewn onto tulle to create a wreath like form. To Jennifer the shape is suggestive of feelings of fragility and loss.
Diameter 21 cm
Photo: © Muiris Moynihan
Exploring ideas of a new beginning, this work is in two parts. The porcelain spheres have been created by making hundreds of hand formed pieces that have been sewn onto tulle. The two spheres have been sewn in such a way that the pieces almost come to a point, suggesting a bud-like form.
Diameter 7 cm
Diameter 4.5 cm
Photo: © Roy Moore
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world, this sphere is made from hundreds of handmade featherlike porcelain pieces. Each unique piece is then handsewn onto tulle.
Diameter 10 cm
Photo: © Roy Moore
This work is made from hand-formed featherlike pieces of bone china sewn onto tulle to create a larger sculptural piece. The two pieces interlock, suggesting strength in their completeness.
Diameter 18 cm