Do all your clients commission murals?
I have some clients who prefer that I paint the mural on a large canvas and then transport the work from my studio and stick the canvas to the wall. This means that the client has the mural installed in one day and if they ever need to move location, the canvas can be removed and installed in a different location.
What are your sources of inspiration?
I compose music in my spare time and listening to music is a fundamental aspect of my painting and creative process, I could not live and express myself without music. But I am also a traveller out of necessity as I create and make so much on site.
Andrés Benítez©Michelangelo Foundation
How do you combine tradition and innovation?
I mix techniques, traditional and digital, to create spaces with an aura of magic, this is my goal and my aesthetic revolves around it. To achieve the old aspect I use water based, fast drying paints, together with modern varnishes that are washable and durable.
Is there a balance between realism and special effects in your work?
I would say there is. When the work is finished, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between what is real and what is painted. This is the magic to me, to create a mixture of techniques and inspiration, never ceasing to experiment and research.